Edward Jackowski Jr., a certified exercise expert, categorized body shapes into four types: Cones, Hourglasses, Spoons, and Rulers. He designed effective workouts that target difficult to trim areas. This is an excellent at-home regimen and there is no need for expensive exercise equipment. Simple tools needed are the following: exercise mat, an aerobic bar (if you don't have one, improvise by using a broomstick or a mop handle), a ten-pound weight bar and a jump rope.
The following are the four types of Body shapes; each presented with particular routines. Explanations on how to execute individual exercises is stated too (look it up after the Ruler routine). Try to find which body shape are you in and follow the specific workouts for it. These are excellent fat-burning exercises, very effective in trimming figures, with the mere purpose of toning the muscles rather than adding up bulky muscle mass.
*Cone shaped body: You have broad shoulders and back, large arms, with slim hips and legs. This routine will help in trimming your arms and build toned muscles in your legs, which will balance the built of the upper and the lower halves of your body.
The Hourglass routine: Start with a 12 minute warm up, either do brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a bike at a high speed but very low resistance. Stretch for 4 minutes. Then do the following order - 5 minutes Jump rope, 20 standing knee to opposite chest (for each leg), 20 L-kicks (for each leg), 50 jumping jacks, and side bend until rested. Then do 50 jumping jacks again, 30 leg-outs, 30 vertical scissors, 50 alternate leg kicks, 10 push-outs, 10 behind-the-neck presses, 10 front presses, 10 upright rows, 10 bicep curls, 10 tricep kick-backs, and jump rope for 5 minutes. End this routine with a 4-minute slow walk cool down.
The Spoon routine: Start with a 10 minute warm up, either do marching in place, brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a stationary bike at a high speed but very low resistance. Stretch for 3 minutes and then do the following order - 25 jumping jacks, side bending till rested, 10 push-ups and jump rope for 3 minutes. Then do 30 standing knee to opposite chest (for each leg), 20 L-kicks (for each leg), 15 sit-ups, 20 leg-outs, 20 vertical scissors, 25 alternate leg kicks, 20 elbows to knees, 20 knees to elbows, 25 jumping jacks, and side bending until rested. Continue with 10 push-outs, 10 behind-the-neck presses, 10 front presses, 20 upright rows, 10 bicep curls, 10 tricep kick-backs, and jump rope for 5 minutes. End this routine with a 4-minute slow walk or marching in place cool down.
*Ruler Shaped Body: You have few curves, narrow hips, and you gain fat in your stomach area. This workout will turn your frame in a better shape by giving you very toned arms and legs, a more-defined outline of your waist, and stronger abs.
The Ruler routine: Start by warming up for 20 minutes, either do brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a bike at moderate speed and moderate resistance. Stretch for 4 minutes and then do the following order - 20 sit-ups, 30 leg-outs, 30 vertical scissors and jump rope for 3 minutes. Then do 12 push-ups, 25 squat thrusts, and then side bending until rested. Continue with 25 squat thrusts ones more, 15 push-outs, 15 behind-the-neck presses, 15 front presses, 15 upright rows, 15 bicep curls, 15 tricep kick-backs, 3 minute jump rope, march in place counting up to 60 steps, and then do 25 squat thrusts. End this routine with a 4-minute cool down doing either a slow walk or a ride in a stationary bike.
How to do proper executions of the exercises on all 4 routines:
*Stretching - For the arms, pull each elbow up and behind your head gently. At the groin area, sit on the floor with the sole of your feet together. Front of thigh, in standing position slowly pull your right ankle back and up with your sole facing your butt area. Repeat with Left leg. Back of thigh, in long sitting position or seated with legs straight out in front of you, try to slowly bend and reach for your toes. As for your Calves, in standing position, slowly bend down and reach for your toes and while doing so, push your heels down to the floor.
*Jumping Rope - Jump with feet together and avoid double bouncing.
*Bicep curls - Start by standing up with both arms holding the weight bar or broom stick (palms up) in front of you thighs, and inhale. Then exhale as you bring the bar up at chest level by flexing you elbow. Return to starting position and repeat.
*Behind-neck press - Starting position is with you holding the weight bar or broomstick, letting the bar rest at you shoulders behind your neck, and inhale. Then exhale as you stretch both your arms up, raising the bar above your head. Lower the bar to starting position and repeat.
*Upright rows - Start with holding the weight bar (palms down), hands about 4-6 inches apart, at thigh level, and inhale. Then exhale as you raise the bar to your chin. Lower the bar back to starting position and repeat.
*Side benders - Start with the bar resting at your shoulders behind your neck then just simply bend from side to side (45 degrees).
*Push-ups - This is the about the same as the whole body push-ups. The only difference is, aside from you hands touching the ground, you knees are the ones in contact with the ground too instead of your feet. So this is easier to do.
*Leg-outs - Starting position is lying down with both legs straight and raised 6 to 12 inches off the ground, and inhale. Exhale as you pull both your knees to the direction of you chest, then back to straighten you legs again (still raised) and repeat the procedure as needed.
*Elbow to Knees - Start by lying on your back with both legs flexed and up in the air (with knees facingyou). With arms flexed (hands at ear level) and elbows situated in front of you, inhale as you reached your elbows to your knees. Then exhale as you lower your elbows and repeat procedure.
*Vertical Scissors - Starting position is with you lying on your back, arms straight to your side (hands under buttocks), both legs straight (close together) and raised to 90 degrees angle from your torso, and inhale. Then exhale as you open wide both raised legs and inhale as you bring them back to starting position. Repeat as needed.
*Alternate Leg Kicks - Start by lying on your back, arms straight to your side (hands under buttocks), and both leg straight to the ground. Then raise your entire right leg in the air (at 90 a degree angle from your torso) and bring leg back down as you simultaneously rais your left leg in the same way as your right. Repeat as needed.
*L-kicks - Leaning on you weight bar or by the wall for balance, raise right leg forward at 90 degrees, lower leg back down, then raise the same leg to the side (90 degrees). Repeat the same procedure with the left leg.
*Squat Thrusts - From standing position, bend knees and drop down to crouching position. Bring both hands on the floor, and then push through it to help in kicking feet back so you'll be in a push-up position. Then jump both feet back into crouching position again, and stand back up. Repeat procedure as needed.
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