Thursday, April 10, 2008

Exercises to Enhance Body Shape within 3 Weeks

Exercise is always considered best when it comes to improving physical fitness and enhancing body curves or shapes. However, not all regimens are helpful especially when you are doing the ones that are not suited for your body. When doing exercise, one should have specific target to achieve a goal. The most important thing to remember when exercising is to do the right routine to shape up your body or parts of your body. Your workout should be done in accordance to your specific body type.

Edward Jackowski Jr., a certified exercise expert, categorized body shapes into four types: Cones, Hourglasses, Spoons, and Rulers. He designed effective workouts that target difficult to trim areas. This is an excellent at-home regimen and there is no need for expensive exercise equipment. Simple tools needed are the following: exercise mat, an aerobic bar (if you don't have one, improvise by using a broomstick or a mop handle), a ten-pound weight bar and a jump rope.

The following are the four types of Body shapes; each presented with particular routines. Explanations on how to execute individual exercises is stated too (look it up after the Ruler routine). Try to find which body shape are you in and follow the specific workouts for it. These are excellent fat-burning exercises, very effective in trimming figures, with the mere purpose of toning the muscles rather than adding up bulky muscle mass.

*Important tips to remember: Please be aware that the execution of the activities here involves hard work, with the concept of building up your stamina slowly. If you find some aerobic segments too exhausting for you, like jumping rope for example, you can stop and do side bending motion instead in order to catch your breath. When you get used to it after a few weeks, try to increase the number of repetitions and try to add more time in doing your jump rope. Each routine take 45 minutes to an hour and should be done 3 to 4 times a week to see best results with in 3 weeks time.

*Cone shaped body: You have broad shoulders and back, large arms, with slim hips and legs. This routine will help in trimming your arms and build toned muscles in your legs, which will balance the built of the upper and the lower halves of your body.

The Cone routine: Start with a 15 minute warm up, either do brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a bike at moderate to high resistance and moderate speed. Stretch for 4 minutes. Then do the following order - 25 sit-ups, 30 leg-outs, 30 vertical scissors, jump rope for 3 minutes, and 10 squat thrusts. Side bending until rested, then do 10 squat thrusts ones again followed by 10 push-outs, 10 behind neck presses, 10 front press, 10 upright rows, 10 bicep curls and 10 tricep kick-backs. Again do side bending until rested then do 20 bicep curls ones more. Another Jump rope for 3 minutes then do 25 leg-outs, 25 elbows to knees, 25 knees to elbows and lastly 10 squat thrusts. End this routine with a 3-minute slow walk cool down.

*Hourglass shaped body: You have a solid upper and lower body frame, with a narrow waist. When you gain weight, it takes place through out your body and not only on certain parts. So this workout will help you achieve a better outline of your shoulders and arms, gives you trimmer hips and thighs, and firmer butt.

The Hourglass routine: Start with a 12 minute warm up, either do brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a bike at a high speed but very low resistance. Stretch for 4 minutes. Then do the following order - 5 minutes Jump rope, 20 standing knee to opposite chest (for each leg), 20 L-kicks (for each leg), 50 jumping jacks, and side bend until rested. Then do 50 jumping jacks again, 30 leg-outs, 30 vertical scissors, 50 alternate leg kicks, 10 push-outs, 10 behind-the-neck presses, 10 front presses, 10 upright rows, 10 bicep curls, 10 tricep kick-backs, and jump rope for 5 minutes. End this routine with a 4-minute slow walk cool down.

*Spoon shaped body: Your upper body remains lean while you gain weight in your thighs and butt area. This workout balances your body by giving you a more defined outline of your arms, a flatter stomach, and slimmer hips and thighs.

The Spoon routine: Start with a 10 minute warm up, either do marching in place, brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a stationary bike at a high speed but very low resistance. Stretch for 3 minutes and then do the following order - 25 jumping jacks, side bending till rested, 10 push-ups and jump rope for 3 minutes. Then do 30 standing knee to opposite chest (for each leg), 20 L-kicks (for each leg), 15 sit-ups, 20 leg-outs, 20 vertical scissors, 25 alternate leg kicks, 20 elbows to knees, 20 knees to elbows, 25 jumping jacks, and side bending until rested. Continue with 10 push-outs, 10 behind-the-neck presses, 10 front presses, 20 upright rows, 10 bicep curls, 10 tricep kick-backs, and jump rope for 5 minutes. End this routine with a 4-minute slow walk or marching in place cool down.

*Ruler Shaped Body: You have few curves, narrow hips, and you gain fat in your stomach area. This workout will turn your frame in a better shape by giving you very toned arms and legs, a more-defined outline of your waist, and stronger abs.

The Ruler routine: Start by warming up for 20 minutes, either do brisk walking, slow jogging, or ride a bike at moderate speed and moderate resistance. Stretch for 4 minutes and then do the following order - 20 sit-ups, 30 leg-outs, 30 vertical scissors and jump rope for 3 minutes. Then do 12 push-ups, 25 squat thrusts, and then side bending until rested. Continue with 25 squat thrusts ones more, 15 push-outs, 15 behind-the-neck presses, 15 front presses, 15 upright rows, 15 bicep curls, 15 tricep kick-backs, 3 minute jump rope, march in place counting up to 60 steps, and then do 25 squat thrusts. End this routine with a 4-minute cool down doing either a slow walk or a ride in a stationary bike.

How to do proper executions of the exercises on all 4 routines:

*Stretching - For the arms, pull each elbow up and behind your head gently. At the groin area, sit on the floor with the sole of your feet together. Front of thigh, in standing position slowly pull your right ankle back and up with your sole facing your butt area. Repeat with Left leg. Back of thigh, in long sitting position or seated with legs straight out in front of you, try to slowly bend and reach for your toes. As for your Calves, in standing position, slowly bend down and reach for your toes and while doing so, push your heels down to the floor.

*Jumping Rope - Jump with feet together and avoid double bouncing.

*Push-outs - Starting position is standing up with both arms holding the weight bar or broom stick (palms facing down) in front of your thighs. Then inhale while you lift the bar at chest level, and exhale as you stretch both your arms straight and out in front of you. Put the bar down at the starting position and repeat the steps again as required on the routine.

*Bicep curls - Start by standing up with both arms holding the weight bar or broom stick (palms up) in front of you thighs, and inhale. Then exhale as you bring the bar up at chest level by flexing you elbow. Return to starting position and repeat.

*Front press - Start with the weight bar or broomstick at shoulder level by flexing your arms (palmsfacing away from you) and inhale. Then exhale while you slowly raise the bar by extending both arms above your head. Lower the bar down to starting position and repeat.

*Behind-neck press - Starting position is with you holding the weight bar or broomstick, letting the bar rest at you shoulders behind your neck, and inhale. Then exhale as you stretch both your arms up, raising the bar above your head. Lower the bar to starting position and repeat.

*Upright rows - Start with holding the weight bar (palms down), hands about 4-6 inches apart, at thigh level, and inhale. Then exhale as you raise the bar to your chin. Lower the bar back to starting position and repeat.

*Tricep Kick-backs - Start with gripping weight bar with extended arms behind you (palms facing away from your back with the weight bar at butt level), and inhale. Keep your back and arms straight. Then exhale while you slowly lift the bar by raising your extended arms as far as you can (away from you back). Bring bar back to where it was then repeat the procedure.

*Side benders - Start with the bar resting at your shoulders behind your neck then just simply bend from side to side (45 degrees).

*Push-ups - This is the about the same as the whole body push-ups. The only difference is, aside from you hands touching the ground, you knees are the ones in contact with the ground too instead of your feet. So this is easier to do.

*Leg-outs - Starting position is lying down with both legs straight and raised 6 to 12 inches off the ground, and inhale. Exhale as you pull both your knees to the direction of you chest, then back to straighten you legs again (still raised) and repeat the procedure as needed.

*Elbow to Knees - Start by lying on your back with both legs flexed and up in the air (with knees facingyou). With arms flexed (hands at ear level) and elbows situated in front of you, inhale as you reached your elbows to your knees. Then exhale as you lower your elbows and repeat procedure.

*Knees to elbows - Start by lying with flexed elbows (hands on ear level) and flexed legs (with both feet touching the ground). Then inhale as you bring bent knees towards your elbow and exhale as you lower you feet to the ground, leg still flexed. Repeat as needed.

*Sit-ups - Start with lying on your back, arms straightened above your head, and both legs flexed. Then inhale as you curl up, bringing chest to knees, and exhale as you go back down.

*Vertical Scissors - Starting position is with you lying on your back, arms straight to your side (hands under buttocks), both legs straight (close together) and raised to 90 degrees angle from your torso, and inhale. Then exhale as you open wide both raised legs and inhale as you bring them back to starting position. Repeat as needed.

*Alternate Leg Kicks - Start by lying on your back, arms straight to your side (hands under buttocks), and both leg straight to the ground. Then raise your entire right leg in the air (at 90 a degree angle from your torso) and bring leg back down as you simultaneously rais your left leg in the same way as your right. Repeat as needed.

*Standing knee to opposite side of chest - You can use the weight bar to help with your balance, by resting it on your shoulders behind the neck. This procedure is simple just raise you right knee towards you left chest (at least at waist level), then lower to starting position. Then do the same procedure to left knee. Repeat as needed.

*L-kicks - Leaning on you weight bar or by the wall for balance, raise right leg forward at 90 degrees, lower leg back down, then raise the same leg to the side (90 degrees). Repeat the same procedure with the left leg.

*Squat Thrusts - From standing position, bend knees and drop down to crouching position. Bring both hands on the floor, and then push through it to help in kicking feet back so you'll be in a push-up position. Then jump both feet back into crouching position again, and stand back up. Repeat procedure as needed.

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Male Pregnancy Now Possible?

Human reproduction is one of processes that are widely expanded by modern science beyond its normal activity. Just like in the year 1978 when the first test tube baby was introduced. This event turned out successful that, what was then known as an experiment, had became the pioneer of fertility treatment. It is somehow astonishing to realize that babies can actually be made outside the human body. But there is a more shocking method than this, an increasingly complicated one that turns gestation into a whole new level, making it not only applicable to women but to men as well.

Male pregnancy is kind of like a twisted case since only females are capable of being pregnant. However, scientists and physicians from RYT Hospital have been working on methods of making male impregnation possible. They used a method called vitro fertilization (IVF), the same one used on test tube babies.

Before going further, let us familiarize what vitro fertilization is. Vitro Fertilization (IVF) technique is the usual treatment recommended for women with defective fallopian tubes and those with out fallopian tubes. A faulty or absent fallopian tube don't allow eggs to travel from the ovary to the uterus, so with IVF this process is viable. The technique involves recovering the eggs from the mother and mixing it up in the lab with the sperm of the father. The embryo resulting from this mixture will then be placed back into the mother's uterus, allowing it to develop normally until delivery.

RYT hospital took the function of IVF farther than its usual purpose. They conducted an experiment using IVF to make pregnancy feasible to men. The first male subject, who volunteered to attempt this procedure, is a Taiwanese-born man named Mr. Lee Mingwei. Attending Physician and Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Reproductive Medicine, Dr. Simone Lowell of RYT Hospital-Dwayne Medical Center, did the research for this clinical procedure.

The process starts with Mr. Lee orally taking up doses of female hormones, for the purpose of making him receptive to the pregnancy. After days of careful monitoring, IVF is then used to impregnate Mr. Lee by implanting embryo and placenta into his abdominal cavity, just under the surrounding lining (peritoneum).

His impregnation is considered as an ectopic pregnancy since the development of the fertilized egg didn't occur on its normal place called uterus (which is obviously absent on Mr. Lee since he is male). Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition and is one of the main causes of death in pregnant women. Since Mr. Lee's case is the same, he too is likely to suffer a huge risk of severe internal hemorrhage when the ectopic ruptures, possibly leading to death.

After completing the implantation, Mr. Lee was advised to stop taking female hormones since the expected pregnancy, already took place. The embryo inside his cavity is normally secreting hormones enough to maintain its own development and growth. So far, the gestation period of Mr. Lee has been astoundingly normal. His health and his growing stomach are being carefully monitored. Regular checking of fetal heart rates, chorionic villus sampling, and ultrasound scanning are also done to know the updates of his condition.

When the period of delivery comes, the only way to do it is with a Cesarean section, an open surgery involving the incision of Mr. Lee's abdomen to remove the baby and the placenta. The most risky part considered during delivery is the removal of the placenta. It is because during gestation, the placenta develops a tight connection with the vessels of its surrounding areas, making it hard to remove. And not only is its removal difficult, the process is most likely to cause massive internal bleeding which may endanger the life of Mr. Lee.

Aside from the placenta, other structures with in the abdominal area such as the intestines and other parts of organs possibly affected by the implantation are also likely to be removed. Well-trained Physicians specializing in internal hemorrhages caused by ectopic pregnancies, will be there to manage the anticipated threatening situation.

So there you go another modern innovation that does the unthinkable. What was ones considered a fictional movie "Junior" (by Arnold Schwarzenegger), is now made possible in real life and is not anymore a laughing matter but rather, a serious episode to think about.

This experimental procedure is so controversial that it raised a lot of questions about gender functions and is also raising hell on religious practices that are against it. But in spite of the opposing forces around, scientists and physicians who agree with this method are still optimistic about it - considering it as a helpful technique for transsexuals who want to bear children and for men whose wives can't have kids due to a disease or sterility.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Male Sex Organ Reading Called Phallomancy

There are various ways of telling personalities of men. It can be determined through astrology, palm, and face readings, even simple personality tests can give insights depending on the score.But compared to all of these, there is a more specific and accurate method of how to determine a guy's quality and state of being as a person - through a reading called Phallomancy.

An ancient kind of divination practiced in India and Tibet several years ago, Phallomancy is a very unusual kind of body reading that concentrates on male reproductive organs. It is here where sizes and features of male genitalia provides intuitive perceptions of future life, character, number of children, attitude towards love and relationships, and of course sexual abilities or capacities.

Interpretations of Length:

Guys with long genitalia (over 3.5 inches) depict someone who as a lover, possesses profound skills and imaginations in creating interesting ideas for his relationship. A proud owner of his king-sized equipment, he is a dare devil when it comes to love making. He is always up for new or wild techniques and executes it in a way that he and his partner will enjoy.

Sounds like a promising explanation. But basing on old beliefs thousands of years ago, long genitalia brings a negative kind of vibe. For ancient Hindus it depicts a life surrounded by danger, he will never bear a son, and that he will live a life of poverty. Old Tibetans have split beliefs on this; for them, male genitalia not more than six inches long, may experience a wealthy life and reveal someone who is a good spouse. But if it is way longer, like if it reaches the base of his feet when he crouches, it means bad luck and a life of suffering.

Short genitalia (less than 3 inches) reveals a guy who is idealistic and a mysteriously unusual kind of lover. He may have an unpredictable mood and is quite insensitive, but when he gives his word on something, he will really take it into action to fulfill it. Feeling kind of timid with his pint-sized equipment, this guy is quite reserved and shy when it comes to sex. But the moment he starts to operate he sure can perform.

Interpretation of other features:

When we speak of thickness, chunky genitalia depict a person who is decisive with his creative ideas and is ablaze with vigor. For genital organ that's only thickon the base part, it reveals a guy who values his freedom; he wants to be always free from the control and power of another.

A skinny or slender member however, signifies an outspoken guy with a romantic side and likes expressing his love through poetry. He has no problems in speaking boldly about his feelings, an excellent teaser and flirt, and enjoys talking dirty to his partner about how he will please and satisfy her when they make love. A guy having a combination of long and skinny genital feature may reveal someone who is only concerned with his own desires, needs or interests.

As for texture, a guy with a smooth member reveals someone who is at all times, directly apprehended with his partners' feelings. Being a suave type of guy and always at ease with what he perceives, attuning himself to new situations is never a trouble. If a male organ is not smooth all the way, it signifies fickle mindedness and is a difficult lover.

However, when it has bumpy surfaces all over, it depicts someone who is careful and shows close attentiveness in avoiding a messed up performance during lovemaking. He has creative strategies and always analyzes what moves to be done in order to make the moment extra special. It's normal for him to hold back during the first few seconds of love making, but after awhile he will get into action and when he does, he is on fire!

Pertaining to the structure of male genitalia, a straight member signifies wealth. If it's slightly slanted to the left it reveals someone who is concerned of what he acquires in matters of love and sex but have no intentions of returning the favor. He is into keeping secrets and when it comes to relationships, he is quite wary of showing his real emotions, not until he is sure that his partner is for real and that he is not being played.

A male sex organ that's slightly curved to the right depicts someone who gives his all when it comes to love and sex. He does everything for his partners' satisfaction and happiness without asking for anything in return. But when it comes to personal secrets, he is so not good in keeping one. His sex and love life is an open topic - he is not afraid to uncover every single detail about it and has no hesitations of asking people about theirs.

An equipment that's bent on the base area reveals someone who is full of insecurities. He is into dwelling about his own sorrows most of the time and always thinks of himself as a victim of injustice. A member that's bent all the way signifies someone who is lascivious. He is into an excessive indulgence of sexual activity; so much that he doesn't mind doing it with someone else other than his partner, as long as he gets what he wants he's happy. Long and bent depicts someone who can't be trusted with sexual matters. While short and bent reveals one who shows apprehensive uneasiness during sex.

The tip or head of male genitalia may either be bulbous, blunt or pointed. A bulbous tip reveals a guy with a lusty nature and endowed with a fascinating sexual performance. For him, there is a huge distinction between sex and relationship. So if he is giving his all during sex doesn't mean that he is doing the same on his relationship. A guy with a blunt tip means he is someone who is not really into words but more on doing something to express his inner feelings.

Pointed tip reveals a romantic lover who values his independence and seldom yields himself to the authority of his partner. For ancient Hindus, if the head of the member is curved inward or hollow in the middle, it means that his children will all be girls and that he will live a life of scarcity. But if the middle of the head is protruded, it portends a life of abundance specifically an increase in the number of his herd of cows.

Regarding testicular structure, ancient Hindus believe that an equally framed testis foretells kingship; but if it appears uneven, it reveals someone who is crazy about sex. They also consider the scent of seminal fluid meaningful. If it smells sweet as honey, it portends a wealthy life, a salty smell may mean a life of poverty, and if it smells like fish it means he will have a lot of children. As for the time spent on love making, they believe that the shorter the sex, the longer a mans' life would be and that a prolonged one will only lead to an early death.

Pubic hairs also play a role on this reading. If a male member has thick and spreading pubic hair, it signifies a lover with great physical strength. Always eager to know about his lovers' ex-partners and is making sure that he surpasses them all. He may be very competitive in a way but he is just mediocre when it comes to sexual performance. Scanty pubic hair depicts someone who has a more refined performance when it comes to sex. However, his sex drive fluctuates every now and then, so he needs to always be reassured about how good he is in bed to maintain his confidence.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fountain of Youth Discovered in Human Cells

Anything that has to do with becoming young again is always of great interest to us. Different methods are done just to maintain the youngish look; exercise, diet, drugs, even plastic surgeries, and yet none of it stops the phase of aging. The scope of trying to cease the process of getting old and feeble is really quite impossible. But for modern scientists, they believe that there is a chance for humans to have that youthful feeling again.

Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center discovered a way to defy aging and death of human cells. The said discovery will neither reverse the age of an individual nor make one immortal, but its been claimed to prolong the healthy state of the human body through healthy cells.

Lead researcher, Dr. Jerry Shay, pointed out that their discovery is not something that will give people the ability to live longer than normal. But instead it is a process, which enables human cell to stay in its youthful condition by preventing the progress of cell aging and permanent cessation of its vital functions.

He said that by maintaining the duration of cell life and its capacity to replicate, it might be possible to regulate any abnormal state that disrupts bodily functions; such as control over diseases like skin wrinkling, blindness, cardiovascular and other disorders related to old age. Shay also stated that their research study could also lead to production of drugs that does not only prevent cell death but also has the capacity to keep functional organs of the body safe, especially those that deteriorates with old age.

Division of human cell has a definite duration and its replicating ability decrease as it ages. Therefore when we are to associate the cells of older people to that of the young ones, the cells of the latter divide more compared to the former. This is due to the action of telomeres, the key genetic elements located at the ends of chromosomes and are involved in the regulation if cell aging. Every time a normal cell divides, its telomere shortens in length.

The shortening happens because an enzyme called telomerase is shut off during the process. Turning this enzyme off occurs as part of a normal cell division, since if this is left on, it will replenish telomeres that are shortened. So without the enzyme telomerase to fill up chromosomal ends, as the normal cell repeatedly divides, the telomeres gradually shrinks.

With the telomeres becoming too short, the cell division halts and enters a state known as replicative senescence otherwise known as aging. In a word, the shorter the telomeres, the older the human age. So from this process, it is clear to see that shortening of telomeres effectively function as the "clock" of cellular aging.

The enzyme telomerase, which is normally shut off during normal cell division, is the main focus on this study. It is not only responsible for catalyzing the elongation of chromosomal telomeres, but also induces cells to keep on dividing. Normal cells do not go to this state but the cells of people with cancer do. Dr. Shay and his colleagues are trying to introduce this enzyme (telomerase) to normal cells with the aim of restoring telomere length - to reset the "clock" and thereby increasing the functional life span of the cells.

Using the telomerase produced on germ cells (such as egg and sperm cells), Shay and his team observed its activity, by injecting it (telomerase) to normal human skin cells, cells from the retina, and arteries. Sure enough they noticed that human cells with telomerase would undergo continuous cell division and allow telomeres to grow in length. "Normally, cells stop dividing after about the 70th generation, these cells are now up over 100 population doublings, and they show no evidence that they will slow down." Shay stated.

Aside from noticing cell division and telomere growth, the scientists also observed that there had been no sign of cancer cells emerging from human cells injected with telomerase.Dr. Woodring Wright, a cell biology professor involved with this discovery said, "This research raises the possibility that we could take a patient's own cells, rejuvenate them, then modify the cells as needed and give them back to the patient to treat a variety of genetic and other diseases."

The team speculated that their work could lead to possible treatment applications for macular degeneration (a common type of blindness caused by death of central retina cells), for atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and for acceleration of wound and skin healing (especially for burn patients).

Even if this cellular fountain of youth had promising laboratory results, Shay and his team stressed out that the application of their work is still far from over, and that there had been no actual service of this technique just yet.

They also want to make it clear that this discovery is not something that will induce eternal life. As what Dr. Shay stated," This process may increase the normal health span, but not the normal life span".

It's not really bad news though, because this study will obviously bring much contribution in the near future. Even Dr. Wright is being optimistic about it. "In terms of the use of human cells, it will totally transform genetic engineering" he said. Adding that their study will be of great importance when it comes to various medical, biotechnology, and research applications - hoping for its effect to not only increase health span but at a later time, will increase life span as well.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Do Moles Mean: The Science of Moleosophy

We all are familiar of moles. A small permanent and pigmented bulge located
anywhere in the body. Moles can either be attractive or harmful, so people have mixed reaction towards it. Some may opt to let the mole stay on its spot, while others have their moles removed surgically.

Back in the olden days, moles on the body are known to carry it's own meaning. And just as palms are read by its lines, moles can be read too. The art of reading body moles is called Moleosophy. A form of divination that studies the size, shape, color and placement of moles to foretell a persons life in general- from personal characteristics and love life, to luck and misfortunes.

Before discussing what moles mean by its location, let us first talk about what the features of moles may signify:

*Size wise, moles that are round reveal good personality and disposition; also signify good awareness and responsiveness on both home and family life. Oblong or oval shaped moles suggests substantial wealth and great accomplishments when it comes to business issues. And lastly, angular moles depict the existence of both positive and negative characteristics in a person.

*As for mole coloration, light colored moles signify luck. Dark/black moles designate success but only after overcoming a number of obstacles. Reddish colored moles denote patience especially in the field of teaching. And light brown or yellowish moles reveal an innate talent in writing, poetry, and music.

Now lets proceed as to what moles signify basing on its location.

Head to Neck Areas:

Forehead moles depict happiness in life for men and happiness in marriage for women; and signify success in financial independence and a carefree life for both. Mole on the right side of the forehead reveals a gifted individual with eminent abilities and a successful future life. Left side reveals a strong and determined nature, good with money management but is extravagant at the same time.

Eyebrow moles on the right side reflects an active lifestyle, successful love life and a very determined individual who does not surrender right away in spite of discouragement-- which in turn makes him/her successful in life. Mole located on the left side reveals laziness, selfishness, and may experience poverty in later life but could be avoided by hard work.

Ear moles reveal thoughtfulness to others and generally lucky with money, fame and friendship matters; also signify someone who care less of whatever consequences, making him/her a risk taker.

Nose moles on the right side reveals a lover of nature and this individual has huge passion for traveling- that he/she roams from place to place aimlessly with no fixed destination. Moles located at the tip of the nose reflect a person who lacks self-discipline every now and then, but is a faithful friend; also suggests luck when it comes to financial and business matters. Left side moles suggests a person who has changeable characteristics and he/she easily adapts to what is going on with his/her surroundings.

Cheek moles on the right area depict an attractive and flirty individual with a happy married life. Left area reveals a serious type of person who is devoted on his/her goal and is very studious. Moles on Both cheeks suggest less interest in material wealth and will be successful in life but can only be achieved with hard work.

Lip moles on the upper area denotes a go-getter who is envious with others' success-- which drives him/her in accomplishing a particular goal, to bring himself/herself ahead. It may also signify greediness but with the same level of generosity as well. Lower lip mole reveals a quiet, driven, and serious individual who will be successful in later life.

Tongue moles signify success when it comes to education and accomplishing goals.

Jaw moles suggest a person to be cautious of health, and to some short-lived interruptions of his/her career.

Chin moles reveal good qualities and conscientiousness that will make him/her successful in the field of politics. It also reflects the passion for traveling to other countries and be acquainted with various cultures.

Neck moles on the front part portend an experience of a "roller coaster" kind of life with an unexpected good fortune in the end. Also reflects an individual who is blessed with supportive friends. Moles on either side of the neck suggest someone with an absurd personality. Back part suggests a person who is longing to live a simple life; also a hard worker but other people will be credited from it instead of him/her.

Throat moles
signify sympathetic traits and imaginative minds, making him/her artistic.

Shoulder to Hip Areas:

Shoulder moles on the right side reveals a person who is prudently watchful with his/her life in general, suave in nature, a diligent worker, and is a very faithful marriage partner. Mole on the left side suggests someone who is self-satisfied and is easily contented of what life may offer.

Chest moles depict struggles in life, financial problems, and lack of peace of mind.

Breast moles on the right part reflect someone who is habitually lazy, has a desire of luxurious and abundant lifestyle, to which he/she may experience depressive moments. Left breast mole reveals a person who is always on the go, very determined and successful in achieving his/her goals especially in acquiring properties and wealth.

Nipple moles for men indicate fickle mindedness and are apprehensive on events that do not even exist in present life. For women, it signifies a constant desire for higher social position or acceptance from the society she is in.With moles on the rib areas, the ones on the right side reveal someone who is insensitive, can be conceited at times, but is a loyal and truthful friend. Moles on the left side depict a spiritual person who shows strong persistence in adhering or seeking something he/she desires.

Moles on the abdomen may signify a lazy, greedy, self-centered, and sloppy individual.

Belly button or navel moles in men may reveal good fortune and luck that can be gained by hard work; wealth may also come from an inheritance. For women, it means a strong desire for bearing children.

Hip moles suggest a person who has the ability of handling situations by any means or ways possible, full of energy, brave, and is/may be blessed with healthy children.

Moles on the back reveal someone who is willing to do hard work for others; Romantic and money-oriented but may have hidden issues regarding these matters, so be watchful.

Armpit moles located on the right may denote a warning to the person who has it, to be watchful especially with matters of security. Mole on the left denotes a life of turmoil during the early years, but his/her sacrifices will soon be reimbursed with happiness and contentment in later life.

Mole on the arms suggests a civil and determined person with a happy married life. If the mole is located near the elbow, it signifies work-related problems for women; and for men, it may mean a inehard life and a tendency to become an early widower.

Hand moles on the right area reveal a person who is economical and is good with handling money, which makes him/her successful with any business venture. Mole on the left side shows a person who will be successful in using his/her artistic talent. If moles are located on the fingers, it may denote dishonesty and ability to overstate or make-up details in a story.

Genital to feet Areas:

Mole on the genital located at the bottom part reveals a genuine lover who is good in dealing with matters of love. Moles that are on the right side suggest an adventurous lifestyle and a lover of nature. Left side depicts a flexible personality and can be unreliable at times. If moles are near the groin area, those on the right may mean a promising life in the future but must be watchful with his/her health. Moles on the left groin depict a warning to be cautious with ones health, being reckless may lead to serious illness.

Mole on the Buttocks may reveal someone who lacks ambition and is too easygoing.

Thigh Moles on the right part indicate success when it comes to an economic well being, but may experience enfeeblement or illness along the way. Left side reveals a humane person who may undergo loneliness and a life of injustice.

Moles on the Knee located on the right reflect an accommodating and dependable person with a successful married life. Left side may indicate a prodigal and spontaneous individual with a good sense in business.

Moles on the right foot signify a convivial person who loves to travel and is into keeping oneself fit. Those on the left side reveal a silent-type individual who is intelligent and considerate.

Moles located on the heel may indicate someone who is full of energy in both physical and mental aspect; this person also has the tendency to cause others to be jealous or envious of his/her ways, which makes him/her prone to enemies and losing friends.

These interpretations are just one of the many views about what moles may mean.There are more intuitive perceptions of moles that may provide an insight about an individual's personality or fate. Believable or dubious, it doesn't matter. It's just somehow interesting to find out what lies behind the marks on our bodies.

The Zaky Pillow: Helpful Baby Product for Busy Moms

Touch is considered essential in giving sensory nourishment for newborn babies. The warmth of a mother's touch brings strong emotional attachments and contributes to the infants' healthy development. But the modernity of life brings out a struggle for busy moms to juggle between the cuddle time with their little angels and their active schedules. Now there is a solution to this problem. There is a baby product that's especially made to come in handy with these situations. Introducing, the Zaky infant pillow, it is designed not only to give satisfaction and comfort to infant needs; but also provide mothers less tension on losing their bond with their babies.

Successfully used since 2001, the Zaky pillow was created by Yamile Cendales Jackson (2000 Phd IE). Its creation began when Dr. Jackson gave birth to her son Zachary. Since baby Zachary was born 12 weeks premature and only weighed 15 ounces, he had to be confined at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit; a place where human contact is limited. Because of this, Dr. Jackson created an ergonomic pillow to somehow connect with her baby and comfort him while she is away from the hospital. As expected, the pillow contributed much to the progress of baby Zachary's recovery, making him healthy enough to be taken out of the hospital.

Dr. Jackson was so pleased with the outcome of her creation that she made more of the said pillows and called it "the Zaky" (named after her son Zachary). As the Zaky's effective bonding features was made known to the public, not only did its distribution increased worldwide, but its services as well.The Zaky pillow's beneficial use expands from being a comforting pillow for premature infants, to becoming a bonding pillow between babies and their busy moms.

The Zaky infant pillow is highly recommended for working mothers who leave their babies to someone they trust (nannies, baby facilities or a relative), while they go on with their jobs. It is so because the Zaky has unique features that make babies feel the presence of their moms even if they are not with them. The Zaky is structured to simulate how the mothers' hand and forearm feels, as well as the size, shape, and scent. How is it possible? Well let's go over with the unique features of the Zaky and find out.

Shaped like a normal human upper extremity, the Zaky is made of 100% durable soft fleece and Polyester lining, which is hypo-allergenic and ultimately safe for baby's sensitive skin. It weighs the same as a woman's medium sized hand and forearm (1.2 pounds), a load considered safe for babies as light as 1.4 Lbs.

The weight of the Zaky can be controlled through its anti-bacterial pellet fillings; by shifting the amount of pellets from the hand to forearm area of the pillow or vice versa, an appropriate load is provided to fit the baby's size and necessity. The plastic pellet fillings also allow ventilation on the Zaky pillow, making it easier to accommodate with the baby's positions. It is safe to place it around the baby (except of course anywhere near the face) and the Zaky is also excellent in providing support on the baby's body especially the spine.

Another unique feature of the Zaky is it can smell like the original scent of the mother. It is possible by placing the Zaky on top of the mothers' chest overnight or at the back of the neck for a couple of hours. If the mother is into wearing perfume, a tiny squirt of that scent will also be helpful. After doing any of this method, the Zaky will provide a familiar aroma, making the baby feel calm as if mom never left his/her side. This is of course applicable to dads as well, especially to those who travel a lot. And as for grandparents, who live far away and want to be close with the baby, they can send their own Zaky pillows too with their scents on it.

On cold weathers, Zaky pillows can be of good service in providing heat to babies. By placing the Zaky pillow in the dryer for a few minutes, it will provide warmth that the baby needs. Just be sure to check the degree of hotness of the Zaky before placing it near the infant. If wanting to support the infant with the Zaky on a stroller or a swing, place it in an angle that's comfortable for the baby. Since the baby is sitting upright, put two Zaky pillows on both sides. This position prevents the baby from falling over on either sides and also provides proper alignment to the spine.

There are important things to remember when using Zaky Pillows. Since infants are primarily involved, it should be handled with careful supervision. When babies sleep they try to change positions, so be cautious enough to check if the Zaky is still on its proper place. Make certain that the Zaky is not anywhere near the infants' face to avoid interference in breathing. The Zaky is equipped with durable linings that don't easily wear out or rip. But if in an instance where there's a noticeable tear on the lining or any part of the Zaky, discard it right away for safety purposes. It won't hurt buying another new Zaky pillow for the sake of the infants' comfort.

Another significant point to consider is that, the Zaky should not be shared among babies - for sanitary purposes and to avert contamination. And talking of sanitation, the Zaky is a pillow that's washable. It comes with a washing bag to prevent the Zaky from wearing off when lapped clean by hand or by a machine. When inside a washer, the Zaky must be washed with warm water, and low heat must be applied when using a dryer.

Zaky pillows are usually for 0-8 months old infants, but can also be used on older babies especially when they are not with their moms. It's been used by some hospitals to both full-term and premature babies. And the Zaky is helpful for special cases like sick infants at Neonatal Intensive Care Units, where contact on babies are limited. If in a situation where the Zaky is to be used on a sick baby at home, be sure to consult the doctor first before taking action.

All in all, the Zaky has beneficial contributions to both babies and mothers. The Zaky is even of great help for people who assists in caring for babies. There is less stress for caregivers, babysitters, nannies, etc when the baby is being at ease and calm. And as for busy moms, the Zaky is the best solution in compensating for their absence. With its simulative features that mimic the scent, size, and touch of a mothers' hand and forearm, the Zaky makes a working mom feel as if she never left her baby. It's like she is there the whole time, being involved with the care of her young.

Monday, March 10, 2008

How to Deal with Sudden Deafness or Sudden Hearing Loss

Mary was late for an office meeting one Wednesday morning. She tried to call her work mate to tell him that she couldn't make it on time, but there was no answer. Her dog was by the door, she could tell that it's barking at her, but there was no sound. By then she knew that something's not right, that neither the phone nor the alarm clock were busted, she just didn't hear it go off. Realizing that she woke up deaf, Mary head to her doctor immediately.

This is a rare case of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing loss (SSHL). An abrupt state of deafness that usually occurs in one ear, with only 2% of patients develop having bilateral hearing loss. Left and right ears are equally susceptible and the recovery varies from one person to another. It is usually accompanied with dizziness or vertigo, aural fullness, ringing in the affected ear (Tinnitus), and an occasional incidence of upper respiratory infection (cold symptoms). Both men and women are equally vulnerable and the average onset appear between ages 46 to 49 years, with the rate of its occurrence increasing with age.

Sounds heard by human ears are measured in two ways: Decibels (dB) which measures the intensity or the loudness of sound, and frequencies which measure sound waves to help determine the difference between the pitch of one sound from that of the other. In the case of SSHL, there is a reduction of hearing greater than 30 decibels (which is half as loud as a normal conversation) in three contiguous frequencies, which lasts over a period of three days or less.

For the majority of Sudden Sensorineural Hearing loss (SSHL) patients, the cause is idiopathic and only a few percent have been conclusively diagnosed. There are unexpected cases, like, the person just simply went to bed hearing and woke up deaf -a situation where hearing loss is believed to have developed instantly or progressively with in the hours of sleep. Some may have gotten the condition from events such as, exposure to very loud sounds, excessive strain from lifting heavy objects, sudden change of pressure from flying or scuba diving, trauma to the head, previous surgery, recent respiratory tract infections, circulatory problems, or from medications like ototoxic drugs. Other potential origins of hearing loss includes multiple sclerosis, Buerger's disease, luekemia, sickle cell disease, syphilis, bacterial infection, lupus, mumps, measles or chicken pox. Even after doing numerous researches about the etiology of SSHL, its cause still remains unknown in most patients.

Basing from the patient's complain, initial assessment for SSHL starts with analysis of medical history and thorough physical examination to look for possible infectious causes. Patients perform hearing tests conducted by an audiologist inside a sound proof chamber. Tests include speech discrimination scores, Pure-tone threshold, acoustic reflex testing, and otoacoustic emission testing. All of these audiometric evaluations are then carefully documented to confirm diagnosis. Laboratory based studies are conducted depending on the patients history and probable etiology. Blood examinations are made to determine the possible existence of systemic causes such as syphilis, metabolic and circulatory disorders. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is also done to rule out possible lesions or tumors such as acoustic neuroma, which is reported to be present among 15% of SSHL patients.

Treatment for SSHL is dependent upon the patient's etiology. Some may just be given simple advice, merely refraining from doing stuff that are considered as contributory factors of hearing loss; like avoid doing strenuous activities and stop taking drugs that may harm the ears. Surgical interventions may be given to those with existing tumor in the ear. In some cases, patients are given rehabilitation appointments, through which the use of hearing aids and other assistive listening devices are introduced. But among all these, the most common therapy given for SSHL, especially for patients with idiopathic cause, is steroid treatment. Taking steroids with in the first 2weeks from the onset of symptom provides the best chances of hearing to return. Oral intake is the common way to do it but steroids injected directly into the ear/ears may also be beneficial.

The improvement of hearing loss in SSHL varies in every individual. Patients may undergo spontaneous recovery, may stabilize, fluctuate, or become more severe depending on its underlying cause and medical intervention. There is a good to excellent scale of recovery among most patients, with only about 15% experiencing hearing loss that gets worse over time. But still, It is important to know that once the symptoms appear it should then be regarded as a medical emergency. An immediate appointment with a physician must be done the soonest possible time. If a delay in treatment occurs (48 hours or more from the time the symptoms appear), the effect of medications to help improve hearing loss, will decrease. Great caution should be observed -- the earlier the medical help, the greater chances of recovery.

More about Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss here...

Saturday, March 01, 2008

What Your Sleeping Positions Tell You About Your Relationship

There are different ways to determine if a relationship is growing stronger or if it is on the verge of collapsing. Interaction between couples (marriage or dating) is considered as the most distinguishable factor; may it be the solidity of communication or the intensity of passion as seen with the couple's body language. But unknown to many, there is a more interesting way to determine the state of a relationship, and it is visible when lovebirds position themselves in bed to sleep.

The way couples sleep together can unconsciously reveal how strongly they feel for each other. Just as sleep restores used powers in ones body, sleeping together will also revitalize the relationship. Although there are some factors that may disturb the calmness of this method, such as the snoring or teeth grinding etc., at least the issue of faking out can never be a part of it - since there is no way you can deliberately mislead someone when you're completely asleep.

Now, let us familiarize some common sleeping positions of couples and try to know how it reflects the condition of the relationship. But before reading the following, take note that if you and your partner do not sleep as intimately as the positions presented below, it doesn't mean that your relationship is in trouble. Please be aware that there are no "right" or "wrong" positions in sleeping together.

"The Spoon" - This is the position where you sleep on your side while your partner is closely lying from behind with one arm wrapped around you. Either of you may be doing the embrace but it is usually done by the man. This is considered as the most common position adopted by couples during the first few years of marriage. The close clinging may signify security and it is also erotic in some way as the genital is pressing against the buttocks. It is also believed to increase intimacy and lower stress.

"Loosely Tight" - A variation of 'the spoon' where the bodies are positioned in the same manner. The only difference is that there is a little gap between your body and that of your partner. This is commonly seen in couples who have been together for 5-6 years. An important thing to remember about this position is that the gap between your bodies will be compensated with contacts from the hand, knee, or foot; giving an assurance that security is still there.

"The Honeymoon Hug" - The name speaks for itself, this position is seen among newly weds; where partners are facing each other doing a full body hug. Every part is in contact with each other from the cheeks way down to the feet. Extreme closeness is obviously seen in this position. Bodies are tightly tangled like unconsciously wanting to fuse as one, signifying total commitment to each other. Uncomfortable as it may seem, this position is done by newly united couples after lovemaking. Some lovers may return to this tight body tangle over the years and it is a notion that, whoever initiates it, could mean that he/she is immensely dependent on the other.

"The Royal Hug" - A position where the male partner lies on his back face up, suggesting superiority. And the woman's head resting on his shoulders, implying submissiveness and dependency over her lover. This body arrangement also signifies a strong assurance over the truthfulness of their commitment to each other. There is a variation of this position where in the woman's head is rested on the man's chest; and is usually seen in older men with younger women.

"Zen Style" - This position is commonly seen on couples whose relationship are already fully established. It is where partners lie back to back with only the buttocks touching. Lying on opposite direction may indicate a regard for independence, but with bottoms still in contact, this means both are still strongly bonded sexually and sensually.

"The Leg Hug" - Usually seen on couples who are just over a fight. It is where both go with their preferred positions but the contact is still there with either of the lovers' foot on top of the other hooking a part of their legs together. Although there is an obvious withholding of emotions, because of an argument awhile back, the hooked legs signify a positive sign. It's a subconscious way of assuring that everything's all right and that both of them still care about each other despite of what had happened.

"The Cliff-hanger" - This is a position where a huge gap is present between the bodies of the couple. One sleeps on the left edge of the bed and the other sleeps on the right edge; both facing on opposite directions with no single contact from any parts of their bodies. There is a mixture of both negative and positive vibe on this kind of body arrangement. It may indicate the presence of great tension on the relationship and perhaps be a subconscious way of showing that both are drifting away from each other. However, this may also be just the couple's practical way of getting the best out of the space that they have on the bed; it's like they just want to let each other have a good night sleep without minding the distance of their bodies.

Every single one of us has our own position preferences to get a good night sleep. That goes the same with couples sleeping together. If your girlfriend sleeps with a pillow on top of her face or your husband sleeps on his stomach all night, it doesn't matter as long as you both are comfortable with it.

When in a situation where both you and your partner don't agree with each other's way of sleeping, find a way to consider. For example, if you think your partner is a bed hog or is maybe moving too much, get twin beds. In that way you both will have your own spaces and still sleep together. So there you go, try to experiment and find a way to compromise. It is always the best method to bring two different minds together and make ends meet.